Seeing the big picture
Leadership qualities and Project management are influenced in highly positive ways by the tried-and-tested methods of experience based learning. In addition, it aids in carrying over lessons to workaday life, maintaining the overview in leadership and furthering project development.
Clear communication and good organisation - the secret of success of top leaders consists in large part of helping others to grasp the whole picture. In the magical interaction between the ways you understand yourself and the ways others understand you, huge potentials of development and increased leadership can be triggered.
Sophisticated decision making, consequential actions, situation-oriented leadership and solution-oriented thinking: those are the qualities we place our bets on...and reinforce.

Leadership tools
Zweckmäßige Theorievermittlung durch unsere kompetenten Berater/innen kombinert mit den bewährten Methoden erlebnisorientierten Lernens und seiner Verankerung in und durch die Teilnehmer/innen.

Aufgaben mit Mehrwert
Outdoor Aufgaben wie z.B. Strategie Challenge: Zielklarheit, das Wesentliche in umfangreichen Informationen zu erkennen, eine kluge Strategie, das Setzen von Prioritäten, schnelle Entscheidungen, gute Organisation, strikte Zeitdisziplin und vernünftige Aufgabenverteilung... um einige der wichtigsten Punkte zu nennen.
For companies
We would be happy to advise you and work with you to design company outings that create lasting memories.